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20/11/ · Author Name (s), “Title” (unpublished [degree level], institution, year), page number. The degree level will usually be “doctoral dissertation” or “master’s thesis” in the US. However, use the same description as the source cited (e.g., in the UK, it is usually “doctoral thesis” and “master’s dissertation”) 04/11/ · Author, A. (year). Title of dissertation [Unpublished doctoral dissertation OR master's thesis]. Name of Institution. In-text citation: (Author, year, p. X) See pages in the APA Style manual for information and examples. Published dissertation/thesis retrieved from online database Dissertation Author, A. (year) 27/08/ · Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of thesis in single quotation marks’, Award, Institution issuing degree, Location of the institution. So, according to this format, the above example’s reference list entry would be: Exelby, HRA , ‘Aspects of Gold and Mineral Liberation’, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld
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24/03/ · If you accessed a thesis or dissertation online, give either a URL or DOI at the end of the reference. The exact format depends on which you give: For a URL (i.e., a regular web address), include “ [Online]” and the URL itself with no final punctuation at the end of the reference. For a DOI, add the DOI after a comma and end the reference 20/11/ · Author Name (s), “Title” (unpublished [degree level], institution, year), page number. The degree level will usually be “doctoral dissertation” or “master’s thesis” in the US. However, use the same description as the source cited (e.g., in the UK, it is usually “doctoral thesis” and “master’s dissertation”) 27/08/ · Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of thesis in single quotation marks’, Award, Institution issuing degree, Location of the institution. So, according to this format, the above example’s reference list entry would be: Exelby, HRA , ‘Aspects of Gold and Mineral Liberation’, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld
![Harvard: how to cite a PhD thesis [Update ] - BibGuru](
Formatting Rules
Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a PhD thesis in APA style 7th edition: Author (s) of the thesis. (Year of publication). Title of the PhD thesis (Publication number) [PhD thesis, Name of the degree awarding institution ]. Name of Platform. URL APA reference list examples This could be a Ph.D. dissertation or an undergraduate thesis. There are also crucial differences in citing your dissertation in MLA format if your source is a print document or gotten online. Here is an excellent example of how to cite your thesis in MLA. Citing your thesis and dissertation for print sources: Last Name, First, and Middle Name 24/03/ · If you accessed a thesis or dissertation online, give either a URL or DOI at the end of the reference. The exact format depends on which you give: For a URL (i.e., a regular web address), include “ [Online]” and the URL itself with no final punctuation at the end of the reference. For a DOI, add the DOI after a comma and end the reference
![APA: how to cite a PhD thesis [Update ] - BibGuru](
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20/11/ · Author Name (s), “Title” (unpublished [degree level], institution, year), page number. The degree level will usually be “doctoral dissertation” or “master’s thesis” in the US. However, use the same description as the source cited (e.g., in the UK, it is usually “doctoral thesis” and “master’s dissertation”) 27/08/ · Author Surname, Initials Year of Publication, ‘Title of thesis in single quotation marks’, Award, Institution issuing degree, Location of the institution. So, according to this format, the above example’s reference list entry would be: Exelby, HRA , ‘Aspects of Gold and Mineral Liberation’, PhD thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld To cite a PhD thesis in a reference entry in Harvard style include the following elements: Author (s) of the PhD thesis: Give the last name and initials (e. g. Watson, J.) of up to three authors with the last name preceded by 'and'. For four authors or more include the first name followed by et al., unless your institution requires referencing
APA reference list examples
04/11/ · Author, A. (year). Title of dissertation [Unpublished doctoral dissertation OR master's thesis]. Name of Institution. In-text citation: (Author, year, p. X) See pages in the APA Style manual for information and examples. Published dissertation/thesis retrieved from online database Dissertation Author, A. (year) 20/11/ · Author Name (s), “Title” (unpublished [degree level], institution, year), page number. The degree level will usually be “doctoral dissertation” or “master’s thesis” in the US. However, use the same description as the source cited (e.g., in the UK, it is usually “doctoral thesis” and “master’s dissertation”) 10/05/ · Formatting Rules Formatting: Italicize the title Identify whether source is doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis in parentheses after the title Various Examples See Ch. 10 pp. of APA Manual for more examples and formatting rules
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